设备主要用途/Main Application:主要用于需要翻板暂存制程. 如:防焊前处理、绿油显影、DES
It is mainly used in the process which needs to turn the panel,such as pretreatment of Solder Mask, Green Oil Developing and DES line.
设备规格/Device Spec:
b:工作高(STD)/ Working Height: WH=950mm±25 mm
c:适用板件规格/PCB Size: Max:610mm*610mm Min:250mm*250mm
厚度/Thickness:0.5mm-3.2mm 产速/Capacity: 8 panels/min
b、做放板时具有放板及联机之功能 。
寸的PCB板 。
d 、机台采用粉体烤漆,适应于有酸、碱的工作空间
f 、设备耗电,耗气低且具有省电模式
a. It has the function of turning and cooling the panel.
b. Be used as a loader, it can load the panel and connect to other equipments in the processing line.
c. 1/2/4 step can be chosen for the panel loading or collecting, it also applies for big size PCBs.
d. Special powder coating treatment for the machine body that it can be used in both acid and alkaline working environment.
e. It can be used alone or works with other equipment in an automation line.
f. With low power consumption and air consumption and it also has a power saving model.